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Relative to Current Time Query Issues

05-24-2016 10:26 AM
Frequent Contributor

I am trying to utilize the "Relative to current time" value selection for a query within Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS​ and am running into "SEVERE" errors within the ArcGIS for Server​ logs.  Looking to just show the last 5 minutes of data.  Here is how I am setting up the query:


When the query filter is applied, the real-time Feature Service stops updating in OD without any error being shown.  Looking at the AGS logs shows quite the problem.  This is just part of the severe error message.  It is repeated within the same message many times.  I have not taken the time to break it all down to see how many...:

Failed to execute phase [query], all shards failed; shardFailures {[Qy8SrxfWQOavsZW-Hu6ulQ][d8684b2f-ea72-478d-bb7f-b35a41c5ad2b][0]: SearchParseException[[d8684b2f-ea72-478d-bb7f-b35a41c5ad2b][0]: from[0],size[1001]: Parse Failure [Failed to parse source [{"from":0,"size":1001,"query":{"filtered":{"query":{"bool":{"must":[{"range":{"DateTimeStamp":{"from":"2016-05-24 16:05:15","to":null,"include_lower":true,"include_upper":true}}},{"range":{"DateTimeStamp":{"from":null,"to":"2016-05-24 16:10:15","include_lower":true,"include_upper":true}}}]}},"filter":{"geo_bbox":{"Geometry":{"top_left":[-77.19168316650345,40.46689211286708],"bottom_right":[-76.64305340576199,40.18893213802859]}}}}},"fields":["objectid","globalid","ip","Label","Bearing","Speed","GPS_Status","Symbol","S_SIGN","UNIT_ID","STATION","S_CODE","GROUP","FEED","Longitude","Latitude","EV","NV","GPSTimeSec","DateTimeStamp","MesESN","LastPollTime","LastReceivedTime","ResponseTime","PollInterval","_id","Geometry"]}]]]; nested: ElasticsearchParseException[failed to parse date field [2016-05-24 16:05:15], tried both date format [dateOptionalTime], and timestamp number]; nested: IllegalArgumentException[Invalid format: "2016-05-24 16:05:15" is malformed at " 16:05:15"]; }

I am looking to see if there is a known bug, or at least someone else is having this problem attempting to filter on relative to current time.

Thank you!


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3 Replies
Frequent Contributor

To update this question, I am also getting this same server error when querying with an Absolute Date.

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Occasional Contributor

Hi Adam,

The shard failure error is when the server is not able to one of the BDS node in the cluster.

Network can be one of the reason for this.

Can you please check if you are able to reach all the BDS nodes from the ArcGIS server & from GeoEvent

Are you able to visualize the data on other clients or without filter ?


Sagar Ayare

Product Engineer

Real-Time GIS

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Frequent Contributor

Hi again Sagar,

"Yes" to both of your questions.

Do you see the Invalid Format part of the message?


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