I cannot get the "relative to current time" map filters and layer filters to work.
Example filter: ???DateDue Less than or equal The next 1 Months???
If you apply a layer filter as shown above, the map does not change and a warning icon is displayed on the widgets, when I click the warning it states:
???The following data sources are not accessible Invalid service or the service is not available. http://.......???
When you click on the link in the above error it takes you to the rest endpoint ??? no problem
The following does work:
Filters that use relative to current time options work when used with the query widget (the example in the problem statement above works when applied in a query widget)
Map and layer filters that use explicit dates, example: DateDue Greater than or equal 10/04/2013 00:00:00
All non-date Map and Layer filters
I am using secure 10.2 Services hosted on our server.