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Portal Upgrade breaks all filters on exisitng ops dashboards

03-08-2023 07:53 AM
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Regular Contributor

Good Morning,

Our enterprise portal got upgraded from 10.9.1 to 11.0 yesterday. Opened exisitng Ops Dashboards today and all of them have various elements that no longer work (NO DATA). The only solution that I have found that works is recreating the broken element. I tried just working with the broken element itself, but any changes wouldn't keep; even with Saving, if you opened the ops dashboard or refreshed the page the element would be back to its broken state again. I have looked at the data, field names/aliases, the associated web map, all is good, it's simply the OpsDashboard that's is the problem. I really wish that at some point upgrading Portal wouldn't break all your existing dashboards. Oh, and I even tried doing the AGO-ASSISTANT method of looking at the json for a new ops dash vs an old one and the json is the same.

Rant over.

I am just wondering if anyone has faced a similar issue and, if so, did you find a solution that didn't require recreating every broken element?




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