I have a question regarding Ops Dashboard.
Our organisation is currently on 10.5 Enterprise version. The portal 10.5 did not come with web based Ops Dashboard as default component (as in 10.6). We would like to deploy the Ops Dashboard in the existing 10.5 environment until will Switch to 10.6 or higher (in next 3-4 months). Based on the ESRI documentation, it is possible to make the Ops Dashboard available through portal 10.5. But It appears that ,the process enables members to download and install Ops-Dashboard, a windows installer onto the local machine rather than a browser based dashboard.
Can this be confirmed if my interpretation is correct?. If yes is it possible to deploy and make the browser based Ops-Dashboard available through portal 10.5 or it is purely 10.6 thing?
Thanks for the help.
Hi Amit,
For Portal for ArcGIS 10.5, only the Windows-based desktop app of Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS is available. This is the legacy version of the app.
The new web-browser based Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS is only available for Portal for ArcGIS 10.6 and later releases, because it uses a new "dashboard" item type (which is not available in Portal 10.5). Sorry.
Hope this helps,