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Multiple Categories for a Single Row

11-15-2023 05:25 AM
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

I'm currently putting together a dashboard for the various projects we are conducting, however these can fall into X amount of scopes.

For example:

I have scopes: A, B, C, D, etc.

Project1 can have scope A

Project2 can have scope B

Project3 can have scopes A, B, and C.

When using the type selector, I select scope A, the dataset should return Project1 and Project3, and when I select scope B, the dataset should return Project2 and Project3, etc.

What is the best way of managing this in the one field (if possible)? Or should I have multiple fields with 1's and 0's in them?

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1 Reply
Esri Alum

Deciding how to structure the data for ArcGIS Dashboards depends on which pros/cons best fit your use case:

Option 1 is to store the values in different fields which, like you said, could be binary or could state the values. Different category selectors would be needed for each scope; in this scenario there would be 3. 

Option 2 is to store all scope values in the same field and configure the dashboard selector to be able to select multiple values at a time. The drawback would be the need for selecting multiple; your user would need to find all the values containing each scope and select all of them (can enable filter on the category selector to make this easier). For values with multiple scopes, each permutation would show up as its own choice in the category selector, so whether or not Option 2 is viable could come down to how consistently the scopes are ordered.

Columns are fields in the schema, rows are records:


One final thought is, in Enterprise, there is currently more flexibility in Experience Builder than in Dashboards for using a "contains" query. In ExB, you could set up a Filter widget that searches a comma separated string (Option 2) for specified text (pretend "Item" says "Scope" to match the spreadsheet above):


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