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How to Make a Field of URLs Clickable Links in a Dashboard's Table Element

06-09-2022 06:53 AM
Labels (3)
Emerging Contributor


I have a table element within an operations dashboard that shows a list of Capital projects and their corresponding attributes. One of the fields in the table element displays URLs for standalone profiles of the projects on our agency’s website.

Those URLs are showing as text and unfortunately aren’t clickable. Does anyone know if there’s a work around to have these display as hyperlinks? I’m not seeing any options to accomplish this in the Value tab of the table element’s Configure section.


Any help would be appreciated!

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1 Reply
Emerging Contributor

I believe I was able to figure this out by creating an anchor tag in the Advanced Formatting area of the Configure section.

displayText: `<a href=${$datapoint["URL_LINK"]}>${$datapoint["URL_LINK"]}</a>`


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