Anyway to format the above date in the ArcGIS dashboard indicator to a more concise format(mm/dd/yyyy) ?
For instance is there a JavaScript function for it?
Kind regards.
Where's your "Date Updated" text coming from? Is this an attribute? Is it displaying in a popup?
If this happens to be a attribute, you can go into your layer's visualization settings, or else go into the map your dashboard is built off of (if applicable), and edit your attribute settings there. These settings should carry forward into your Dashboard.
What can you do if your dashboard isn't using a map, but instead just working off a published map service?
It will use the default formatting defined in the service. You can use a Data Expression if you need more control over it.
Thanks John, can you provide a link to documentation on that? As an example of what I working with, I have this field in a table in Pro, date field, just showing dd/mm/yyyy:
But then when I publish it to the web service used in a dashboard, the dashboard automatically adds the time stamp, with no way to configure the appearance within the dashboard: