Extending standard widget for Operations Dashboard using JavaScript

03-18-2016 09:58 AM
Esri Contributor

We been working on developing extensions for Operations Dashboard 10.3.2 with JavaScript which we have found to be generally straight-forward for simple widgets built from scratch following the samples on gitHub. A client has asked us to extend the functionality of the standard widget Bar Diagram and to do so, we want to use the code from the Bar Diagram widget as a base. However since the current version of OpDashboard is built with the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF, we do not have access to the JavaScript widget’s code. The idea is to use the widget right away in the browser version of OpDashboard with Portal for ArcGIS 10.4 and also in the next release (OpD 10.4?) in the coming months. We want to avoid trying to “reinvent the wheel” by writing a new widget from scratch to do almost the same thing as the Bar Diagram widget already does and we need a quick solution to be able to deploy mid-April.

The question is, is there a recommended workflow for extending standard widgets using JavaScript?

Thank you in advance for your help,


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3 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Hi Daniel,

We do not release the code for the built in widgets.  However, there might be some samples of ones others have made, or even ones created in WPF that could be converted over to JS that would work?  Just some thoughts to help along with this...


Esri Contributor

Hi Chris,

Thanks for your reply. Do you have any recommendations on where to find other samples or widgets besides the GitHub repo mentioned in the question and the WPF Repo? We are having problems specifically with the bar chart functionality both with dojox and d3.js and would like to see a very similar example if possible.

Thanks again,


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Frequent Contributor

You can do search for the publicly available ones in Arcgis.com using a keyword search like "operations dashboard extension".  This will give you the results for the new JavaScript based extension items in AGOL. 

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