Hi Folks,
I am wondering how difficult it is to build a dynamic age pyramid on ArcGIS Dashboard. I am interested in something similar that you see on this web page here,
If not on Dashboard I could use Story map and embed a page that has dynamic age pyramid. I just don't know where to start and what would be required.
Any suggestion/feedback would be appreciated.
It is possible, but you'll need to reshape the data a bit, which will probably involve a Data Expression.
Basically, you'll just need to take the "left" side of the chart, and flip those values to being negative. Then create a Serial Chart, set it to a horizontal style, and stack the series. The negative values will go to the left, achieving something akin to the chart you're trying to make.
This is a really neat idea, and something that warrants a larger how-to post, perhaps. I'll tag you in the post if I ever write up a more detailed process.
That would be great if you do. Thank you for your feedback.
I got it working but dont know how to get rid of the negative percent at the bottom, any suggestions?
Unfortunately, that seems to be where the whole thing falls short. There does not appear to be a way to override the labels of the value axis. But then, this whole thing was sort of a hack anyway.