I'm trying to show a line graph in a dashboard of the CHANGE in a value by year. I was able to get an arcade expression to create a featureset that shows the change by year, however I need to add the ability to filter that feature set by the 'UNIT_NAME'. So ideally, there would be a row for each year and unit combination, with the value being the change from the previous year for that unit.
Any help (I'm thinking either a nested dictionary, or something similar?) would be appreciated!
// Write an expression that returns a FeatureSet.
// Documentation: https://arcg.is/3c419TD
// Samples: https://arcg.is/38SEWWz
var portal = Portal('https://arcgis.com');
//Feature Set from hosted
var fs = FeatureSetByPortalItem(
//Group by Year Collected (and Ideally Unit Name)
var sumfs = GroupBy(
['Year_Collected', 'UNIT_NAME'],
//Create a new, ordered layer
var sumfsOrder = Orderby(sumfs, 'Year_Collected')
//Create an empty dictionary to hold values output by above groupby function
var dictYearCount = {}
//Create a dictionary to hold the change in values (AcresChanged)
var dictYearChange = {
'fields': [
{name: "Year", type: "esriFieldTypeString" },
{name: "Unit", type: "esriFieldTypeString" },
{name: "AcresChanged", type: "esriFieldTypeDouble" }
geometryType: "",
features: [],
//Add Key/Value pairs to dictYearCount Dictionary
//Key is Year Collected, Value is total infested area
for (var f in sumfsOrder){
var yearKey = Text(f.Year_Collected)
var yearValue = f['TotalInfestedArea']
//Somewhere in here add ability for a second key, or dictionary, or something to keep Unit as a variable
dictYearCount[yearKey] = yearValue
//For each row in the grouping, create a variable for the current year
// and the previous year value
for (var t in sumfsOrder) {
if (HasKey(dictYearCount, Text(t.Year_Collected-1)) == true) {
var previousYearCount = dictYearCount[Text(t.Year_Collected-1)]
var currentYearCount = dictYearCount[Text(t.Year_Collected)]
//Subtract the two values
var Diff = currentYearCount - previousYearCount
//Add the new differenct to the Change Dictionary
attributes: {
Year: Text(t.Year_Collected),
AcresChanged: Diff
//If no previous value (ie first year) leave value field empty
else {
attributes: {
Year: Text(t.Year_Collected),
AcresChanged: ""
var YearChange = FeatureSet(Text(dictYearChange))
return YearChange