I have a dashboard in my team's Enterprise portal that displays points for completed playground inspections for our Parks department. I've gone into the MapViewer to configure pop-ups for the layers in the map, and the last few times I have modified pop-ups or other layer symbology/features and then go back to the dashboard, the points don't always display properly on initial load until I zoom in or out in the map widget.
However when I add a new map widget and call on the exact same map viewer, the point display fine so then I have to go and rewire all the actions for filters/indicators/details pane, etc. It is frustrating and I am not sure exactly why the map widget breaks but I'm at the point of making no more changes to the map or pop-ups so I don't have to go and rewire everything in the dashboard once again.
Not sure if anyone else has experienced this issue and has a workaround other than creating a new map widget in the dashboard.
It seems the issue is related to adding map/layer actions for widgets to the map widget and connecting the source field and target field. As soon as I try to get a filter to have an action affecting more than one layer, the map points don't display properly. This is for everything from filters to the table to the indicators, etc.