We have built a survey in Survey123 to capture engineering notes & calculations in the field for gas service pipeline replacements and a supporting dashboard to calculate the totals from all the surveys associated with that job number. One of the items we capture is the asset we are retiring for accounting purposes. The asset consists of 4 fields in the survey (Pipe Size, Material, Vintage & Footage). Each service in a job will have it's own survey filled out so on a given job, there could be hundreds of surveys captured.
What we want to display in the dashboard is the total footage when each of the size, material & vintage match up. Here is an example of a few services:
100' of 1/2" - Plastic - 1981
50' of 3/4" - Steel - 1964
75' of 1/2" - Plastic - 1986
50' of 3/4" - Steel - 1964
100' of 1/2" - Plastic - 1981
In the dashboard, I want to display a list that would show the totals for those examples as such:
200' of 1/2" - Plastic - 1981
100' of 3/4" - Steel - 1964
75' of 1/2" - Plastic - 1986
We have been struggling with how to configure a dashboard list that would compile a total when the 3 other fields match. I hope that makes sense. Does anybody know a way to accomplish this?
Thank you for any help you can provide,
Hi Andrew,
Great Question! There may be more than this option but I hope it finds you well. One way to display this report in the Operations Dashboard is by using a combination of the Category Selector + Indicator + List widgets. I've attached a 60 second video to show the final functionality so you can get creative with the layout. Although my features are lines, this can work with your Survey123 layer too. Hope this helps!
Category Selectors (Add a Header Widget to add 3 Category Selectors)
Categories From: Grouped Values
Layer: Survey 123 Layer
Category Field: Job ID
Label: Job ID
Turn on None Option
Name: Job ID Filter
AFTER setting up ALL widgets come back and add Filters to:
AFTER setting up ALL widgets come back and add Filters to:
Indicator by Pipe Material
Filter Material = Plastic
Value Type: Statistic
Statistic: Sum
Field: Footage
Top Text: Retired Plastic (Color of your choice)
Middle Text: Add {value} field + ''ft''
Name: Plastic Count
Same as Plastic, just replace everything with Steel
List Widget
Filter Material = Plastic
Sort by Vintage: Your choice
Job: {JobID}
{Footage}' of {PipeSize}" {Material} - {Vintage}
Name: Plastic List
Flash Map(1)
Show Pop-up Map(1)
Same as Plastic, just replace everything with Steel