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Dashboard Category Selector Actions Not Working (10.9.1)

07-21-2022 08:21 AM
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Occasional Contributor

I recently reinstalled enterprise portal with 10.9.1 from 10.7 and am creating new dashboards.  I'm running into an issue where when setting the actions within the category selector for a dashboard, the pan, zoom and flash  actions are not working. 

Category Selector Settings 2022-07-20 083756.jpg

I can get a pop-up to appear with the 'Zoom to' and 'Pan' actions which I can then use to pan (but this too has a zoom button function that doesn't appear to work).  Any ideas on what's happening here?  Is this a known issue in 10.9.1?

Layer Popup 2022-07-20 084038.jpg

I was able to setup this functionality in 10.7 without issue.  We are using Chrome as the browser.

1 Reply
Occasional Contributor

I was able to fix this with support by rebuilding the layer