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Dashboard and Survey123 ranked

07-05-2022 11:25 AM
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New Contributor

hi. this is a newbie question. i created my first Survey123 questionnaire to ask community members their preferences for a potential new green space, and have put together a dashboard to display the various responses. however, i used rank choice format on two of the questions, which i think may have been biting off more than i can chew.

i originally was struggling to figure out how to show the most prevalent top answer (native plant garden, for the record) and possibly the least favorite answer as well, but have since seen another community answer that confirms it’s not possible to break out that info without writing a data expression and reclassifying the responses. which is outside my newbie skillset.

so as a workaround, i’ve embedded the analyze page in the Dashboard to show the results for the two ranked choice questions - but can’t figure out how to turn off the other question results on the analyze page as the default. i can see how to turn the other questions off while on the page, but every time the dashboard is loaded, it reverts to the current default which shows all the questions in that embedded window. given the dashboard will be publicly available, i need to have the default display to only show those two questions.

would love any guidance on this?? thanks in advance for the help….

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Frequent Contributor

This is an older post, but in case you are still wondering.... 

In Analyze you simply turn off the section or question by clicking a hover icon right of the question in the Navigation pane. This creates a unique URL, adding &hideFields, then close the Navigation pane. You would copy and paste this new URL into the embed to visualize. It seems to keep Page names even if you turn them off. Granted when it's open in Dashboards can reopen the Navigation pane and manually turn off the page names again. All in all a pain. 




Teresa Blader
Olmsted County GIS Specialist
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