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Custom filter script based on category selector

11-08-2022 10:25 PM
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

Is there a way to create custom python or sql filters in a dashboard?

I am filtering incidents runs by time, location, type, unit etc. However my 'unit' data has multiple unit identifiers in the data string (ie: unit column value for incident is " Engine 11, Truck 11, RA 13", etc). I have my category selector based on individual 'defined values' (ie: Engine 11, Engine 12" etc).

I need the category selector to search within the string value to determine if there is a match. 
(ie: "RA13" within Unit string " E11, G24, T12, RA13, BC 1")

The only other option ive seen is duplicating each run for each unit attached so the "unit" column only has one identifier in it that the category selector can use to filter.... but obviously that multiples my table row count by 2 - 10 times per incident.

Can dashboards handle python scripts or is there a better way to house my data?


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