I am trying to use the table widget to build a table that has grouped values for both columns and rows. Eg this example:
Field 2, domain 1 | Field 2, domain 2 | Field 2, domain 3 | |
Field 1, domain 1 | |||
Field 1, domain 2 | |||
Field 1, domain 3 |
Obviously rows are easy but if i understand correctly i would need to restructure my data so that i have a column for each of the domains in Field 2? I have tried to do this with arcade and get to the point where I have a dictionary but cannot convert it into a featureset to use in the table.. Here is where I am at with the code, but I am getting an error with the push function.
I am new to arcade so am probably making many mistakes, Any help is appreciated!
// Define the field to extract coded domains from
var targetField = "sys_workflow_status"; // Change this to match the actual field name
var fs = FeatureSetByPortalItem(
Portal("portall"), // URL to your Portal or ArcGIS Online
"id", // Replace with your actual layer item ID
0, // Layer index (0 for the first layer)
["*"] // Fields to include (all fields in this case)
// Check if the feature set is empty
if (IsEmpty(fs)) {
return "Error: No features found in this dataset.";
// Get the schema for the layer to retrieve domain information
var layerSchema = Schema(fs);
var fieldNames = [];
// Loop through the schema fields to extract field names
for (var i = 0; i < Count(layerSchema.fields); i++) {
var field = layerSchema.fields[i];
Push(fieldNames, field.name); // Access the 'name' property of the field object
// Check if the target field exists in the list of field names
var fieldIndex = IndexOf(fieldNames, targetField);
// If the field does not exist, return an error
if (fieldIndex == -1) {
return "Error: Field '" + targetField + "' not found in the feature set.";
// Retrieve the domain information for the target field
var domainInfo = null;
for (var i = 0; i < Count(layerSchema.fields); i++) {
var field = layerSchema.fields[i];
// Check if the field has a domain (not null or undefined)
if (field.name == targetField && field.domain != null) {
domainInfo = field.domain;
// If no domain is found, return a message
if (domainInfo == null) {
return "Error: No domain found for field '" + targetField + "'.";
// Create a dictionary of domain mappings (assumes it's a coded value domain)
var domainMappings = {};
if (domainInfo.type == "codedValue") {
// If the domain type is coded value, we can extract the coded values and their descriptions
for (var i = 0; i < Count(domainInfo.codedValues); i++) {
var codedValue = domainInfo.codedValues[i];
domainMappings[codedValue.code] = codedValue.name;
// Create a dictionary to store the modified feature results
var resultDict = {};
// Loop through all the features in the feature set
for (var f in fs) {
// Create a new result object for each feature, starting with the original attributes
var featureResult = {};
var geom = Geometry(f); // Get the geometry from the original feature
// Copy the original fields into the result (to retain the original attributes)
for (var fieldName in f) {
featureResult[fieldName] = f[fieldName];
// Get the value for the target field in the current feature
var targetValue = f[targetField];
// Loop through the domain mappings and create a new column for each domain value
for (var domainCod in domainMappings) {
var domainValue = domainMappings[domainCod];
// If the value matches the domain code, set the new column value to 1, otherwise set it to 0
if (targetValue == domainCod) {
featureResult[targetField + "_" + domainValue] = 1;
} else {
featureResult[targetField + "_" + domainValue] = 0;
// Use a string to store the key (e.g., ObjectID or any unique identifier)
var objectID = Text(f["ObjectID"]);
// Add the modified feature result to the dictionary using the string key (ObjectID)
resultDict[objectID] = featureResult;
// Now, convert the dictionary back into a FeatureSet
var resultFeatures = [];
for (var key in resultDict) {
var fData = resultDict[key]; // Changed variable name from 'feature' to 'fData'
// Create a new feature from the geometry and the updated attributes
var newFeature = Feature(geom); // Initialize a new feature with geometry
// Set the fields for the new feature
for (var fieldName in fData) {
// Add the field and its value to the new feature
newFeature[fieldName] = fData[fieldName];
// Add the new feature to the result features list
// Create a FeatureSet from the result features array
var newFeatureSet = FeatureSet(resultFeatures);
// Return the new FeatureSet for use in the table widget
return newFeatureSet;
Can you give a better idea of what you'd like your final table to look like? Are you trying to get a summary of how many records are in the domains for each pair of fields? I'm guessing if your table looks like this
id | Field 1 | Field2 |
1 | domain 1 | domain 1 |
2 | domain 2 | domain 1 |
3 | domain 3 | domain 3 |
4 | domain 1 | domain 1 |
5 | domain 1 | domain 2 |
you want your output table looking like this.
Field 2, domain 1 | Field 2, domain 2 | Field 2, domain 3 | |
Field 1, domain 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
Field 1, domain 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Field 1, domain 3 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Is this correct?