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Cannot Access Data Error

09-20-2018 08:49 AM
Regular Contributor

I have a related table that is referenced in my dashboard for multiple elements (multiple charts and lists).  All of these elements now has a yellow triangle error that says 'Cannot Access Data'.  I have not worked on this dashboard in a couple of months.  The only change to the related table has been the amount of data that it contains.  There are over 8400 records to date, and I'm expecting to double that number in the coming months.  Could the number of records be causing my error?  What else should I check?

Thank you,


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11 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi Dan,

I would suggest you try to open the layer in the Map Viewer. Make sure it is first working as expected there. If all of your elements are showing that message, it probably isn't related to having too many records. I'd suggest calling support to dive deeper.

If you want to dig a bit more yourself you can try using dev tools in Chrome. Watch the network traffic and/or console. Do any of the requests fail or errors in the console? 


Regular Contributor

Hi David,

FYI- Seeing similar or same issue, in our case action is configured for a dashboard list widget, action source field is of type guid and target field is of type globalid. Relationship is between a feature class and table. When the action is invoked from the dashboard can see in the network debugger window that the source guid is undefined in the where statement to the target.


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Regular Contributor

My errors are seen when widgets (lists and graphs) are configured with dependent actions using the related table Parentglobalid field related to the feature service's globalid field.  This relationship worked previously.   

Regular Contributor

We have a dashboard that has the same problem, it looks like a new bug perhaps, since we did not have this problem before the last week or so. We have a related table with guid to globalId attribute match in the action. I can see from the network tool in firefox that the query where tag appears to be incorrect it looks like this

where=GlobalID = undefined
It should, I would assume be using the guid value in our case.

The dashboard editor allows the action with the attribute to be configured ok, seems to be in the editor or code.

Noticed we just got an email regarding an AGO update, wondering if this is a bug introduced from the update?

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MVP Honored Contributor


I have only recently been toying around with Ops Dashboard and had this error on a simple map (no related tables, one layer, about 90 data points, etc.). I don't know if this helps or not but I logged out of AGOL, logged back in, opened that web map, saved it fresh, then opened my Ops Dashboard again and it seemed to be working ok.

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Regular Contributor

Hi Folks,

We submitted this as a bug yesterday 9/24/2018, and this morning 9/25/2018 the problem has been fixed for us,

Dan, I hope it was the same bug and your dashboard problem is also fixed?

I want to say Thanks to the ESRI folks who have worked on this for us so quickly, we really appreciate the hard work all the folks at ESRI do every day!

MVP Honored Contributor

William, did esri put out an official bug for this with a bug number? If so, can you list it here?

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Regular Contributor

Yes, my dashboard works as expected now.  Thanks for submitting the ticket!


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Esri Contributor

Hi William Pelchat, et al.

Thank you for reporting this bug about the GlobalID. As you have discovered, we fixed it in a patch last night. Glad to know that your dashboard is working again and that you find our products useful to your work. I will relay your message to the team.



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