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Can the List widget be configured to only show features in the current map extent

08-18-2013 12:11 PM
Deactivated User
I can't find a way to configure the List widget in the Opr. Dashboad to only show records that a related to features in the current map extent.

If this is not possible I find it beneficial to add this feature.
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5 Replies
Frequent Contributor
Hi Sune,

The list widget currently does not have this setting. A work around for that is to create a query widget using a query that shows all features, then also create a list widget using the query result. After you run the query the first time, check the Limit the results to the current map extent box. When you pan to your areas of interest and re-execute the query, the list will update accordingly.


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Frequent Contributor

Shouldn't this be an option for all widgets?  The gauges, bar charts, pie charts, etc all should be togglable to show all results or just in current window, akin to a feature layer's on demand mode?

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Frequent Contributor

Hi Ted,

The Dashboard team is actually working on the support for current map extent in all widgets. As of today, when you configure the map widget of a view, you can add an attribute-based filter to a data source. In the upcoming release, when you define a filter data source you can enable the "use current map extent" filter in addition to any attribute-based filter. That way, when you pan/zoom to change the map extent, all widgets that consume that data source will be refreshed accordingly and they consider only the features in the current extent.



Deactivated User

Has this been implemented yet?



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Frequent Contributor

Hi Sune,

Yes this feature is in the app already. You can find the setting by first opening your map widget's config window --> then click the data source which you want to add a spatial filter --> then click the Add button --> The Query Definition window will then open and it will give you the option to set a spatial filter.



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