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Assessing Quantiles in Dashboard

01-05-2024 08:33 AM
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MVP Regular Contributor

Hello, I have a question that I'm pretty solution-agnostic about, so I can be pretty flexible if this is at all possible to do in ESRI's ecosystem:

So I have a dataset of property sales for our city assessors. There is a data field, Sales_Price. Typically, assessors will group sales in a subset of the data by quantiles, so the top 20% of sales by price (ie. most expensive) are in quantile 1, the next 20% most expensive in quantile 2, etc. My problem is two-fold: first, is there a way to group these in a visual manner, for example in a table like this:



or something else, doesn't necessarily need to be a table but that feels intuitive to me. I'm relatively familiar with Arcade at this point, but I know it's a different thing in Dashboards.

secondly: This will only be a useful tool to our assessors if it responds to a filter statement, such as date range or neighborhood designation. Will a solution like using arcade to divide up these values result in the actual contents of each bin responding?

Happy mapping,
- Zach
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