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ArcGIS Dashboard - Serial Chart

06-21-2022 04:32 PM
Emerging Contributor

Hi guys, 

Fairly new to ArcGIS dashboard and Arcade Expressions. I am trying to create a serial chart by displaying population by year. However in the serial chart tool, it can be only be displayed from a statistical point of view. I just want to display the figures as it is by year. 

Raw data (see below)


Current serial chart setting (see below)



How I want to display the data (See below) 



Can someone please provide some assistance. 


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3 Replies
Esri Contributor

- You can edit the categories labels to look nice. eg.: (_2016) to 2016
              From the category axis > load categories > Change the labels as you wish.

- You can hide the vertical grid bars
             From the value axis > grids > decrease opacity to 0.

- Force the y-axis to start with zero.
             From the value axis > set minimum value = 0 instead on automatic.

I hope these simple configurations are helpful.


MVP Esteemed Contributor

Can you just confirm something for me? You mention that this is the "raw data", and you have a screenshot that looks like it's from Pro, so is this actually using an Arcade expression? I should think you could format the chart without manipulating it in Arcade at all.

- Josh Carlson
Kendall County GIS
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Esri Regular Contributor

You need to filter your serial chart to only show 'Agnest Water' - assuming that Agnest Water only has a single row in your data. You can either do that directly in the serial chart's data tab or if you want it to be more dynamic you can filter it using another dashboard element with the serial chart set to 'render only when filtered'. 

- Jen
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