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All Element Filters "Within the Last" x number of days disappeared after 6/22/2022

06-23-2022 11:34 AM
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Regular Contributor

Hi All - opened one of my Dashboards today and quickly realized all data filters, for all items which I repeatedly use to return records "Within the Last" 365 days completely disappeared. Lists, Gauges, Indicators - all lost the filter by date/days difference parameter. This Dashboard is shared only within the Organization. I hope this isnt something likely to reoccur? There have been other issues within the last couple of years with this filter by date/days ranges, and I am aware this filter method should not be used on publicly shared Dashboards due to the heavy resources it uses. Anyone else seen the same behavior after 6/22/2022?


16 Replies
Occasional Contributor

I'm in the same boat since the June 22 update. All my dashboards that use dates are giving me problems with loading data, as well. And it doesn't matter if I try to rebuild the dashboard or not- it's still saying "cannot access data".

Regular Contributor

Hello all those affected... Seems things are working on my dashboards.  Anyone else have functionality now?

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Frequent Contributor

Still not working for me. As other have mentioned previously, it's VERY frustrating and disappointing from ESRI as we all rely on their technology to be reliable and consistent from one version to the other. I have zero interest in re-building dozen of dashboards (in house and public) each time ESRI release an update. 

Please ESRI, fix it ASAP!

Frequent Contributor

Still not working for me either... I am still in contact with Esri support the Dashboard developers are working on debugging this.

Regular Contributor

Sorry to hear that... The tech guy on my case said a patch was pushed last night to resolve.  And the reference bug (#BUG-000150235 ) has been closed.

Not sure how my case was different.  The individual Enterprise hosted layers were OK, but the views we created were not working with the date selector/filters.  Now it is functioning.

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Frequent Contributor

Hi Everyone,

They did another patch over the weekend and it seems to have fixed all my issues. 

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Frequent Contributor

Seems like my issues have been resolved as well with the latest patch (initial patch didn't worked for us). My data source is SQL Server 2016 with ArcGIS Server 10.8. Thank you ESRI 

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