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Visual Inclusion Idea for Dashboards

03-18-2022 10:50 AM
Status: Open
Regular Contributor

Hi All,

I've made numerous dashboards between light and dark mode, but often find myself making dashboards that will be public facing that are on the threshold of being too light or too dark for audiences with visual impairments. There are websites or tools for finding AA or AAA rated color contrast ratios for your website, but that is a one time publication customization for developers and GIS users like myself.

My idea therefore would be to enable or allow for a customization that would take in the color scheme the developer builds for their dashboard as it does now in the dashboard builder, but for visually impaired audiences have an option when building a dashboard to select and show a prompt or button to flip the contrast to a color blind friendly set-up, higher contrast, enlarge fonts, etc. 

More specifically, on dashboards you can have the preset scale bar, search, layers, and legend dropdowns or icons; my idea would add another optional icon, prompt, or dropdown that GIS developers can turn on or off, and that would either flip the contrast from light to dark/dark to light, enable contrast changes for the visually impaired, or allow for any and all the above kind of allowances.

A quick developers tool to allow for public involvement and inclusion through the use of a quick switch or dropdown, one that supports presets or pre-publication customization, and that helps in planning for widespread distribution of one of ESRI's most widely used platforms. 

Any input and kudos are greatly appreciated! Hope this idea gives some good ideas to my fellow users who create and share a visual industry of data, maps, and apps. 

Best regards & God bless,



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