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Series Chart: Select Chart Bar by Clicking Empty Space

05-03-2022 01:22 PM
Status: Open
MVP Esteemed Contributor

When my Series Chart's Selection mode is set to Multiple, I get this handly little vertical line, and I can click-drag across multiple categories by clicking anywhere in the space of the chart.


On Single selection, on the other hand, I have to click right on the bar itself. Normally not a huge issue, but if you have a dataset with a long tail and a high maximum value, it can be nigh-impossible to click on sometimes.

Personally, I feel that this requires a degree of clicking precision that distracts from whatever data the dashboard is presenting, and can make the user interface more difficult to work with.


I would like to see the vertical selection line available in Single select mode, and let me select a category by clicking the space "above" the bar.

What About Stacked Bars?

When the bars are stacked, there's no way to know which of the segments of the bar you mean to click, and being set to Single means it's got to pick one somehow. I don't have a good answer to this, except maybe just pick the top or bottom segment?

Or could there be some way to disable that setting when the series is set to "Stack"?