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Dashboard Serial Chart - More Axis Title Options (Dynamic text)

03-18-2024 11:07 AM
Status: Open
New Contributor II

Hello, I would like to see an expansion of the available options for axis title labels in serial charts. As of now we seem to be limited to entering static text strings in as titles, but this can be limiting for charts that are dynamic based on a user selection.

I have a dashboard that displays water quality data over time for many different locations. For any given location, there are up to 30 different tests that are catalogued, many of which use different scales (mg/L, ug/L, pH, etc.). These units are in the data table being charted as a field. In order for the chart to render, the user has to make a selection so that only one test type is rendered, so there should be a way to show the test unit on the axis through something like a dynamic text field, but no such option exists (as far as I can tell).

I was able to implement a workaround that uses an indicator (because those support dynamic text) and grouped values to list the units above the chart as a title, but this isn't ideal. Please pardon the bad MS Paint screenshot.
