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Dashboard Filter Indicators and Controls

02-25-2021 01:23 PM
Status: Open
Emerging Contributor

At the ESRI Fed Users Conference I picked up the tip that Filters can be turned on and off by clicking on a item then off by clicking in the empty space of the graph.  However this is not intuitive for people using the Dashboard.  There is also not an indicator to show that data is being filtered or by what.  The Dashboard talk stressed the importance of using limited filters in Dashboards. However, it would still be very useful to have more of an indicator of when a filter is enabled and a more obvious place to disable filters once you are done. 

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Hi @pchi,

I agree that filters can cause confusion for users and that (at the very least) a Clear All Filters option would be a very nice addition to Dashboards Beta. One tip that may help is to add an Indicator to your dashboard that shows the record count returned by all the filters. Just add this Indicator as a target whenever you apply a filter. This way the user can at least see a filter is being applied to the data. You could also use a separate Indicator for each element that filters your data if required. That way you know exactly which elements are filtering the data.

