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Confidence intervals for Ops Dashboard

05-22-2020 06:04 AM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor

Enable error/confidence interval bars on ops dashboard. 


Thanks @JamesGarner . Could you please share your use case?

Also, which visualization element in Dashboards do you consider useful for confidence intervals?



I am working on a 2nd Dashboard that would benefit from this idea and it would make development so much easier. The researchers want the sampling error present on charts of forest inventory metrics, the sampling error that occurs at various scales tells the full story of the data. For last year's project, maps were not required so I used the Google charts API to design the charts (example chart).  The current project needs maps, so I may be forced to use another development platform or figure out a way to feed URL parameters between the web map and charts in the dashboard.


This would be really useful, any sign of this happening?