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Calculate widget based on other widget values

03-10-2021 10:03 PM
Status: Open
Regular Contributor

I have a point layer and a polygon layer both independently managed.

Eg: point layer of pizza shops and polygon census tracts showing number of college students

I can have an indicator widget showing the number of pizza shops in the map extent

I can have an indicator widget showing the number of college students in the map extent

What I want is for one widget to be able to refer to the other and display a rate / ratio etc.  Just take two numbers that ArcGIS has displayed on the screen and perform a simple calculation.

A pre-process / data process isn't valid here, as this needs to change with the map extent and pre-calculating a value (eg: pre-calculated pizza shops per census tract) the widget can only display a raw average and this is quite misleading, so doesn't work. 

I can't see this in the new or old Dashboards.  Would be great to know if there is a way to do this or if it is in the pipeline.