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Allowing Number Selector to have custom ranges (not just min and max)

09-12-2022 08:49 AM
Status: Open
New Contributor III

Good Morning,

I am using 10.9.1 Ops Dasboard in Enterprise on a SDE map service. I was hoping to create a number selector that would allow the user to select between 3 different conditions (e.g. greater than 1 and less than 7, greater than 7 and less than 14, greater than 14).

For the life of me I don't see how this can be achieved using the number selector. It provides Max and Min, but that still then only gives a slider between those two. I was hoping i could create buttons that would have those conditions and the user selects one of them and then the filter is applied.

Much like the Date Selector:





















Mark Jones

Toronto Police Service

1 Comment

For that matter, could this also apply to category selectors? Custom defined options really help make a dashboard useful, and it would be amazing to have that ability for more than just date fields.