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Ability to switch active tab based on selection action

03-21-2024 02:53 AM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor II

It would be really helpful if it was possible to switch active tab/focus based on selection in another element.

I have created a Dashboard with a view set up for mobile devices.  The Dashboard shows live occupancy of a number of car parks.  For it to work well on mobile devices it has two tabs, a car park list tab, and a map tab.  What I'd like to happen is when a car park is selected on the list tab, the map tab becomes active with the relevant car park selected and the map pans/zooms to the selected features.  I can configure the map actions already (selection, pan and zoom), what I can't do is get the active tab/focus to switch to the map.

Above is the car park list page/tab.  What I'd like to happen is when a feature is selected, the Map tab becomes active to show the selected car park:


It seems like we need some sort of Action that can switch focus to a specific item in the Dashboard.