I have the latest version of Collector 10.3.4 and we are using 10.3.1 server. Our services are hosted behind our firewall and you can only access through VPN or while on the WIFI network of the department. Apple devices and Windows 10 beta are able to download maps just fine and sync just fine, but Android devices fail to download and I get a token error or a layer can't be downloaded error. What is strange is that if I VPN using pulse secure while on the already secure network, I'm able to download maps onto android and sync.
Is a known issue out there about android devices not authenticating correctly?
This is very strange as it makes no sense why I have to VPN through the same network that I'm trying to VPN to...
If your AGS is using AD authentication, there is a known bug and work-around for accessing secured services on an Android. Essentially their code parses out the domain name, so you need to enter it twice like so:
Android ArcGIS Collector App Cannot Authenticate with Windows Active Directory
Does that answer your question?
Thanks for the response, unfortunately that is an issue we have ran into before, this is completely different. When trying to download the map it will not prompt for a log in and gives an immediate error, if I VPN in, then I can download the map etc..., if I disconnect from the VPN but stay on the secure network and try to do anything I get a invalid token error even though I'm on the secure department WIFI.
Do you mean you can see online map but fail to download using your department Wi-Fi?
Yes, I can see the map online and log into the secure layers online, I can also view the map without downloading it, I get this error when I try to download directly over the secure wifi
But if I then VPN to the secure network (which is really strange because I'm VPNing into the network I'm already on), I'm able to download the map.
What is also unique is that if I port through fiddler I can't replicate the error, it will then download the map, but if I go off of fiddler then it doesn't work again.
This can be due to limitation difference between Wi-Fi and your ethernet (if Fiddler is running in your computer and connected to ethernet). Maybe check with your IT department and understand their wi-fi configuration and see if they have some clue. I haven't seen this type of issue before.