I'm trying to upload some of my offline data from the Collector to the Arcgis Online, but when I hit the sync button a Sync Error notification will pop up. Can anyone help me with this issue? I already tried changing all the user to administrator level but nothing changes.
Sync Error:
An error occurred while synchronizing edits.
Service = https://services6.arcgis.com/ZEbyxAvX492MsjX2/arcgis/rest/services/TOC_SURVEY/FeatureServer:
Unable to synchronize replica., No permission to sync replica: {309D8815-752D-4924-80AC-BF76160DBAD3}
Hello Farad,
I've also encountered the same error message when attempting to synchronize a replica.
"Unable to synchronize replica. Exporting data changes failed."
Did you ever find a possible solution?