When I sync my edits back to the webmap, I get an error on my android phone.
Sync Error
An error occurred while synchronizing edits
there are no details about the error, because my service is a hosted feature service in ArcGIS Online, I don't know where to find the logs (if I am using a feature service on my own ArcGIS server, I should be able to check the server log file to identify the issue). so is it possible to know what's wrong with my hosted service or web map? something like a log?
Any advice are highly appreciated.
Can you use Fiddler to capture the traffic following Configure Fiddler to Capture Web Traffic from an iPhone/iPad | Support Services Blog (iOS) or http://docs.telerik.com/fiddler/configure-fiddler/tasks/ConfigureForAndroid (Android)? It can provide more details about the error.
Hi Maogeng,
Thanks for the trick.
Yes I captured a bit more details:
{"replicaName":"MyReplica_3113","replicaID":"{8863094A-973F-4EB3-B4A1-2B13FEAA1AE3}","submissionTime":1444299287070,"lastUpdatedTime":1444299294803,"status":"Failed","error":{"code":500,"message":"Unable to synchronize replica.","details":["Sync replica internal error - {8863094A-973F-4EB3-B4A1-2B13FEAA1AE3}."]}}
But I am still scratching my head what caused the internal error.
This a great step towards to the right direction.
Can you share your map to a group and invite the account Collector4ArcGIS into it? It could help us determine the issue. Usually it is due to data model.
Hi Maogeng,
I can share the map, but I am not sure whether or not I can share the service. do I have to share the service at all for you to see the map?
Is there a list of things I can check through for troubleshooting this kind of "sync error"?
Many thanks,
Hi, Simo
I can see the error using your webmap/service. But once I use your feature service as a template and publish a copy of service to test, I can't reproduce the issue. Can you try to publish again?
Hi Maogeng,
You are right, republishing the service to AGOL seems solved the problem.
Offline editing and Syncing back to AGOL is one of the key features of my current project, are there any pitfalls that I need to take extra cautions to avoid?
Thanks for your help.
Sync replica internal error is quite generic error. It can be related to data model. I am wondering if it is related to your existing data in the original feature service. Can you export FGDB from your trouble feature service and republish it? If this can reproduce the issue, can you share FGDB with me?