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Offline Map Area Error

01-16-2019 08:37 AM
Regular Contributor

I am trying to use ArcGIS Online to create a 'map area' for offline use in Collector. After drawing the map area I receive an error message, "The two items must be shared the same way for this Relationship Type". When I create the map area in Collector itself there is no error, but I want to create in ArcGIS Online so I can easily allow others to use. Any suggestions?

27 Replies
by Anonymous User
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So I have run into the same issue today and figured out another "fix" for it.

I am using ArcGIS Enterprise Portal 10.9.1 and ArcGIS Field Maps in a disconnected environment (no internet). I was attempting to make a map area in Field Maps for use on a tablet and encountered the above issues. I set all the sharing permissions for everything (web map, feature layers, and service definitions) to be the same and tried again: no dice. 

I ran some smaller tests (I was originally trying to make a large map area) and found that a small test in one area worked while another of equal size did not. The difference between the two? The one that did not work contained features that I had collected previously using Field Maps mobile. 

I got rid of the error by deleting all the features I made (they were only test features) and then retrying the large area. It worked.

This is obviously not ideal so... @Esri get on it please and thank you.

Regular Contributor

2023 and still having this issue

Regular Contributor

I was having this issue today, but fixed it in the following way: 

  • I found that the map was being shared to a group that I was a member of, but not the owner of. The sharing to this group was not shown in the 'Change sharing' options. 
  • I had to change the ownership of the group above to have my username as the owner, then I could 'unshare' the map with that group. 
  • Then the offline area creation worked. 

Hope that helps someone.

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New Contributor

Here we are inAugust 2023 and the issue persists. I am professionally embarrased that the issue still exists. I had to resort to sending field workers a Google Map to achieve their tasks.

Not happy. 

Frequent Contributor

Encountered this issue for the first time today, March 25, 2024. How is this still a thing??

New Contributor

Issue is still here. 2024

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Regular Contributor

@PiyaliKundu2 @SarahSaint-Ruth do you know anything about this? I haven't looked into it in a while but appears the bug that had been logged a few years ago is still an issue. 

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Occasional Contributor

same issue with 11.3 enterprise. Any updates?

Unsharing from group and adding offline area works