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Is it possible to read an ArcGIS Online Feature layer from Excel ?

04-17-2018 11:50 AM
Emerging Contributor


I am planning a data acquisition campaign using Collector. I'd like to have a way to automatically track progression of my data capture through a local tool. I'm usually just setting up a pivot table in excel connected to my local geodatabases. However, since my data is now hosted in arcGIS Online, I can't find a way for excel to read that data. 

Thanks ! 

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Hi Felix, 

There is a tool named ArcGIS Maps for Office that have the ability to link ArcGIS Online with any Microsoft product (Excel, Word, etc.) together.  The tool is very easy to use and will allow Excel to read the data coming from Collector. Give it a try --> ArcGIS Maps for Office and ArcGIS Maps for Office | ArcGIS  
