I used the ArcGIS Collector to add points to a feature layer and I also attached photos to those points. I am able to bring the points back to ArcGIS desktop, but the attachments do not come back with the points. How do you export the photos from collector and bring them into the desktop version?
Hi Kim,
How are you accessing the feature service in Desktop? Are you adding the service from 'My Hosted Services'?
Hi Jake,
I exported the feature layer in ArcGIS online into a shapefile and then downloaded it onto my desktop.
That is the issue. Attachments are stored in an attachment table within a geodatabase. The feature class is then related to this attachment table. Shapefiles cannot participate in relationships. Try exporting the feature layer to a File Geodatabase instead.
I have it downloaded onto my desktop as a geodatabase (item.pitem) and I opened that file in ArcGIS desktop. The attachment is there, thank you for getting me this far!
How do I convert the item.pitem file into a shapefile that other people within my organization can open in ArcGIS desktop?
I might be wrong, but I believe a .pitem file isn't actually a database but stores a reference to the data on ArcGIS Online. You could open it in ArcGIS desktop and choose data > export to create a local copy that you can share. However, if you export as a shapefile it still won't have the photos. You'll need to export to a file geodatabase feature class, but you can share that with anyone else using ArcGIS desktop.