I keep getting the error in the photo below. I am trying to download a map with background features and a blank geodatabase with domains for data collection. I have done the following:
- checked that no feature classes have m or z values
- checked and reset the extent of the blank geodatabase, the mxd, and the online map
- downloaded another map successfully from the same account
-recreated the blank geodatabase from scratch, including domains
- recreated the mxd
- tried downloading the map without the blank collection geodatabase and still got the error.
I have no idea what else to try. Help!
I wonder if there are any limitations to exporting domains to a replica. (i.e. total number, or format of codes/values)? I have a hosted feature layer on AGOL which is being used in collector. Unfortunately, the map won't download for offline use due to said error.
Were you able to resolve the issue?