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Error: Invalid spatial reference - when downloading offline map in Collector

04-10-2018 09:51 AM
Occasional Contributor

I received the error "invalid spatial reference" when attempting to download an offline map in Collector, and I'm unable to determine the cause of this. My map contains one projected feature service layer and an ArcGIS basemap. Any help would be appreciated! 

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3 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

What spatial reference do you set with your feature service? Can you try to set into anther one? 

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Occasional Contributor

My feature service is in NAD 1983 UTM Zone 10N. I tried exporting the feature class to a shapefile in a GCS and republishing and the download worked then, but domains from the original feature class were not preserved. Are certain spatial references incompatible?

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Occasional Contributor

Got it working - exported the layer with WGS 84 and added it to a new geodatabase. Had to recreate the attribute domains, then republished. Any idea as to why NAD 1983 UTM Zone 10N would be an invalid spatial reference for an offline map?