Hi all,
SImilar question has been asked previously, but the error message I receive is different. Trying to download an existing map with numerous layers, plus a basemap (ideally satellite imagery but topo map is ok too).
Using an iPad, I click the download button from the 'all maps' screen. On the 'Choose basemap' screen it offers me three maps that I've used previously (different geographic areas) and under 'Download a new basemap' it just offers 'topographic' so I select that.
I select the area in the 'choose your work area' screen. When I click 'download', the error message states 'Basemap error - This type of basemap layer cannot be downloaded (AGSFeatureLayer).
Does anyone know how to resolve this? Many thanks
Hi John,
Did you ever find a resolution to this? One of my users is also experiencing this error message, but not others when downloading the same maps.
If one user see the issue while other don't see it. Maybe the user don't have permission to access some layer from the map while others have the permission. It could be due to device difference too.