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Collector crashing when searching feature attributes

08-08-2014 09:28 AM
Emerging Contributor

Has anyone had trouble allowing mobile users to search on-premise hosted feature attributes in Collector?  When we enable this feature in our web maps, the app will crash on any search done within the app.  The same web map is used in Explorer the search function is working as expected. 


We are using the iOS version of Collector and connecting to our hosted map services using VPN. 


Any thoughts? 


Jay Forstner

GIS Coordinator - Rochester Public Utilities

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17 Replies
Emerging Contributor


Did that work for your attachments to add the layers in that way?

Yeah, there definitely are some improvements that could be made to their apps. Overall, we really like Explorer but wish we could edit in there instead of Collector.

We color code and symbolize our transformers based on phase and type as well. Don’t seem to have any issues with the symbology in Explorer with those either:


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Emerging Contributor


Yes the attachments work when I add them that way.  Attached is what my transformers look like in Explorer and Collector.  I might have to consider changing my symbology. 



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Emerging Contributor

That is strange.

Looking forward to the conference! See you there.


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Esri Contributor


I suspect the problem is that for the layer you are searching , popups have not been enabled in the webmap.  Try making sure the popups are turned on, the restart collector , and open the map and try searching.  There is a bug logged for this already: NIM103747 if you want to track it.  Unfortunately it wont be fixed in 10.3 (coming very soon on iOS) but it is something we're trying to address for the following release.


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Emerging Contributor


Pop-ups are enabled on the features that we are searching.  That didn't seem to affect the issue, still crashes once we search our own features. 

I am looking forward to the new release!


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Occasional Contributor

Folks - It's 2016 on GISExplorer 10.2 on Android and with pop-ups enabled it crashes on search for attributes.

I did notice on the desktop app that the query for that layer is grayed out but for another service layer it is not.

The layer that is grayed out is an uploaded FC to the server as a FGDB if that matters.

Not too many other clues to go by?

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Emerging Contributor

Did you guys ever get an answer to this? I'm having the same issue. I just updated to the latest Collector and iOS and it didn't correct things. 

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Emerging Contributor

I figured out that if I had text in the hint box under Web Map Settings then Collector does not crash when trying to search!

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