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Collector behaving differently on Windows 10 vs iOS

08-07-2018 08:16 AM
Frequent Contributor

I have a map for collector that is viewed on several windows 10 tablets. Everything is hosted on ArcGIS online (maps and feature services). The map is used for adding asset inspections via survey123 (survey is launched from a popup link, passing several asset attributes to the survey). The inspections are stored in a related table, and inspection records are viewable via the asset popup. When a user submits an inspection it takes a long time (> 10 minutes, sometimes longer) for that person to see the related record in the asset popup. Other users can see the inspections instantly, but the submitting user cannot. I do not see a way to change the refresh interval for a table. Is there a way to fix this? On iOS the related records are visible immediately.

There is also an issue with address searches. The organization is set to search via a locator view (Esri world), which iOS seems to respect, but windows 10 does not. This is causing irrelevant search results (i.e. 100 main gives many results from out of state, not limited to the area specified in the locator view).

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