When I enable editor tracking 4 fields are added.
But when I look at the data that is recorded the date field is looking like Greenwich time....
Where do I need to specify what time zone I am in to make this record the accurate time?
Thanks in advance.
I think you have two choices - UTC or the database's timezone. UTC is the default. At the time of enabling editor tracking, if you're using the Enable Editor Tracking tool, you can choose between the two. I would imagine that if you enable this within the ArcGIS Online interface then it will pick UTC.
Where would you set this in ArcGIS Online?
I'd recommend storing the time in UTC unless you have a specific reason not to; clients like Collector for ArcGIS will automatically apply the appropriate time zone offset so it is displayed in local time of the device/user rather than where the database physically resides (which might be in a different time zone altogether).
I also suggest using UTC. I will query features using the REST API and Python with a line of code to convert the time zone from UTC, such as:
editTime = time.strftime('%c', time.localtime(feature['attributes']['EditDate']/1000))
In addition, there is a Convert Time Zone tool in the Data Management - Fields toolset that can assist in this process if you are downloading the feature in a file geodatabase.