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Collector 10.3 sync stalls

02-15-2015 02:07 PM
Deactivated User

Hi Esri community,

Last week I installed Collector 10.3 because I updated my device to Samsung Galaxy Note 2. I was testing outside my office (download base map and feature layer) with adding features and attachments and all was working fine including syncing back to the feature service.

I downloading the area of interest (1 hr drive away) to undertake the real photo point monitoring and when I came back to the office to sync, the sync moves quickly to about 50%, but then it stalls and is just stuck there. I have 10 syncs and the 'Manage' tab in Collector is telling me the map is 35mb.The WiFi icons are still flicking at this point, so I guess something is happening? I have enabled my screen time out to be 10 minutes, but it still doesn't complete by then.

Does someone have any suggestions or can provide some assistant please?


Mark W

PS. Very happy with the 3m accuracy I was obtaining in the field.

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3 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor


Do you use ArcGIS Online host feature service or your own server's ?

You can use Fiddler to capture the whole traffic during sync process

Deactivated User


Thanks for your suggestion, I use the AGOL feature service.

What I did was copy the folder from my phone and used the XML Export Workplace Document on the Geodatabase as suggested in another post. I recreated the feature service with attachments (only 9 features) and re uploaded to my AGOL account and attached the images through the webmap.

Still not sure why it fell over, but unfortunately haven't the time for trouble shooting. I did previously upload this service through ArcGIS Pro, but this time I stuck with ArcMap.



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Regular Contributor

If your wifi is a bit slow, uploading 35MB can take more than 10 minutes. One of my users had a smiliar problem when syncing failed at the office location, but worked when he tried it at home that evening. It's worth a try.