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Cannot download map with AGOL Tiled Basemap

12-17-2014 10:40 AM
MVP Frequent Contributor

Following these exact instructions for taking a map offline, I am unable to perform the map download operation in Collector (IoS). I have successfully:

Published a FS with Sync-Enabled;

Tested CRUD operations in the FS through SDE Direct Connect, FS Local-copy editing in desktop, Editing through Portal, Editing in collector WITHOUT taking it offline;

Created a map with the AGOL tiled base map and the FS layer per Take maps offline—Collector for ArcGIS | ArcGIS.

Have a valid and active AGOL for Organizations Account, as well as a Portal instance.

Upon selecting "Download Map" in collector, the following error occurs: Unable to Download the Map the operation couldn't be completed .(NSURLErrorDomain error -1001.).

The Map is on Portal for ArcGIS 10.2.2...the FS is hosted on a separate, and Non-Federated ArcGIS Server 10.2.2. As explained above, communication between all pieces here seem to work, and I can edit in every scenario EXCEPT for taking it offline. What could be the problem here?

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6 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

The NSURL error message you are seeing is a server timeout error. If you could increase the timeout time on your server and retry the download and see if that works.

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MVP Frequent Contributor

Which one, ArcGIS (Set to 1800 alreaday) or Portal? Even with 1800, I'm seeing this error at 2-3 minutes into the attempt. I've tried different wireless points and channels, getting good signal strength at 5 mbs. Happens on Ipad and Iphone. Other than this  issue though, portal working great, these new releases are getting much better.

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MVP Frequent Contributor

Here's what I'm seeing in the server log. Seems like syncing is starting, and a success message is reported, but the device isn't so convinced.....

HTTP Referer: arcgisios

inputJSON = {"dataFormat":"sqlite","replicaID":"{52AC3E61-8238-4CB7-8F33-3978DE70E21C}","async":true,"editsUploadFormat":"sqlite","returnAttachmentsDataByUrl":false,"syncLayers":[{"id":0,"syncDirection":"bidirectional","serverGen":1418842511230}],"returnIdsForAdds":false,"editsUploadId":"i538b3b93-1284-4b70-803e-fd6b7a0bd2a1","transportType":"esriTransportTypeUrl"}

GraphicFeatureServer.HandleREST_SynchronizeReplicaOperation has started.

JobID: j1d4b84ddc024406fa5033a4f0ef79fbc. jobURL: http://***********/arcgis/rest/services/ESRI_TEST_MSFT_OFFLINE/FeatureServer/jobs/j1d4b84ddc024406fa...

GraphicFeatureServer.HandleREST_SynchronizeReplicaOperation has completed.

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Esri Notable Contributor

Can you try to download the map with a basemap already on the device. Do you see the same timeout error?


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MVP Frequent Contributor

Yes, I can (eventually) get the map and layer on the device. the problem is syncing back. In further testing, the sync-to-portal works almost all of the time on an Iphone 5s with the latest Ios, this is not working at all on an Ipad Air (same OS). Have eliminated the wireless being at fault as I get the same exact results (success on phone, failure on ipad) at work, home, and starbucks wireless.

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MVP Frequent Contributor

Collector version is 10.2.7 on both devices.

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