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Can you generate a line with a bearing in collector?

06-21-2017 01:48 AM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

The project i work on is looking to replace it's current collection equipment (HP handhelds that run ArcPad) and I was tasked to find an alternative.  We track animals with radio collars and need to triangulate their locations, so it is necessary to see on a map if the bearings add up in order to determine any signal bounce.  Survey123 seems like it'll work for the rest of the data we collect but this aspect along with offline maps is missing from the app (we don't have cell service).

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1 Reply
New Contributor

Hello, I have a similar question. I am using survey123 to conduct a survey for a particular species of cricket. This cricket produces calls that can be heard from hundreds of yards away. I was hoping to increase the accuracy of the location data by allowing participants to provide a bearing and estimate the distance to the insect. Does anyone have any suggestions of the easiest way to provide a bearing that doesn't require exiting out of the survey and opening up an external compass app? I was wondering if it is possible to edit the survey, using AppStudio, so that it opens up Collecter App, allows users to obtain a bearing, and then returns back to the survey? Thank you for your help and time!

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