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ArcGIS Collector : Parameters cannot be null

12-14-2015 06:41 AM
Occasional Contributor

I am trying to use a map offline, and I am getting an error message The map ‘Predrill Application’ failed to download with the
message: Parameters cannot be null. I have been looking for some time now, but cannot seem to get an answer as to what this error means. Has anyone run across this error and if so, how did you resolve it.

Thank you,

Kevin Milton

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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor

Hey Kevin,

Can you tell me a little more about your web map? What basemap does it contain? How many feature layers are in the web map? Do these feature layers have any non-nullable fields? If so, what does the existing data look like - are all non-nullable fields properly configured? Additionally, how much free space is available on the device you are attempting to download the map to? Any additional information you can provide related to these topics can help us clarify where the issue is occurring.



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