Multi Tasking in Collector for iOS

10-06-2016 03:37 PM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor II

Currently collector does not support multi-tasking as an app. Having this ability would allow you to run apps such as a web browser and collector side by side if needed. This would be a nice efficiency enhancement.


Hello Nick,

Thank you for submitting this idea! Could you provide an example workflow to help conceptualize this idea? What tasks could you see being done with Collector and another app open simultaneously? How will this improve your existing workflows?

When voting for this idea, please consider commenting to share your own use case.




This would be helpful for staff to be able to access plan sets in pdf format while using collector at the same time to do side by side comparison. or also using a web browser with collector at the same time to possibly view other data that is not in the collector app (Such as data from another application that is not stored in ArcGIS or in the collector app). There are various scenarios where staff have requested this functionality in the field. This also allows staff to not have to back out of screens and takes advantage of the multitasking environment especially useful on the iPad Pro.