Trouble starting version 2012

09-29-2012 02:21 AM
Frequent Contributor
I have just tried to run CE 2012 on a machine that 2011 ran on without any problems. I completely uninstalled 2011. 2012 will show the start screen, ask for the workspace and then freeze - no matter wether in safe mode or normal, as administrator, ... any clues? Anyone experiencing the same behaviour?

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13 Replies
Deactivated User
Thanks Matt, worked perfectly 🙂
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Emerging Contributor
Hi !

In the CityEngine.ini file which you find in the program's directory, add the following line in a text editor:

This should ignore any ArcGIS Online timeout and start CE immediately, though the AGOL features will be deactivated that way.


I had the same problem. The CE started after I added the line you specified. After the CE started, I added in the proxy server and port number. Close the application, change back the init file. The application is still hang. I was expecting a prompt window to ask for user name and password for the proxy. nothing happend. Where can I put the user name and password for the proxy server? Our environment requires user name and password for the proxy server.

Could you show me how to configure the proxy from the CE please?


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Deactivated User
Hi ..

CE 2012 does not support proxy settings yet ( CE 2013 will ).

Thus .. where did you enter them ? 😉

Let me know ..

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Deactivated User
Hi !

In the CityEngine.ini file which you find in the program's directory, add the following line in a text editor:

This should ignore any ArcGIS Online timeout and start CE immediately, though the AGOL features will be deactivated that way.

Also I have the same issue. Both CE and CE(Safe Mode) trying to start but It can't. CE passes the auth. steps but cannot start. -Dagol didin't worked on me.

PS: I'm behind a proxy and using Win8 and it's not listed in supported OSs. (External Nvidia Graphic Card)
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