Simplifying (reducing edges) of lot shapes

08-26-2021 12:43 AM
Occasional Contributor

Hello all, 

Hoping you can help me here. 

I'm working on a site with some curved streets, which define curved lot shapes. I'm wondering if there's a way I can remove those curves from the resulting building, so that only the 'major' edges are used, and not all of the small edges running around the curve (see blue line in the image below)?

I've tried to use the innerRectangle function - this works to reduce edges, but I would need to combine multiple innerRectangles to get the shape I need (can't see a way to combine multiple shapes together, or adjust the edge the innerRectangle uses?)



Looking to achieve a building shape without the curve, but instead with a few facets - 



Any pointers. much appreciated.









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5 Replies
by Anonymous User
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Convert the street-generated shape to a "static shape" by selecting the block and going to Graph-> Convert to Static Shape.  It won't be dynamically effected by the street anymore and it will be a new shape layer. Then you could delete a few vertices manually or run the cleanUpGeometry tool.  Then run your code off the new shape.  Also, you might turn off the automatic shape generation of the street just for that block so that you don't have two overlapping shapes.

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Occasional Contributor

Thanks for the suggestion here Brian - I'm working on quite a large masterplan here with streets that will change in position / shape. Is there no way to do such things inside of a rule, so that it updates dynamically?


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by Anonymous User
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Well, you could still try running the cleanupGeometry tool at the beginning of your code. 

Sometimes you can change the intersection precision down to 0 and back to 0.5 and the building will stay as it looked at 0, but that is probably inconsistent. 

You could also try selecting the street nodes (the two in front of building) and then setting the graph curves to smoove (for those selected).


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Occasional Contributor

Thanks for all these suggestions Brian - all good to know for other scenarios.

I ended up doing slightly unorthodox - offsetting the lot shape very far (300m) so that the curves come to a point, and then insetting them back in by 300 to get a 'rationalised' lot shape.

This did leave a small triangle shape in between the street and the end lot, but does the trick nicely for the building shape!




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by Anonymous User
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Nice!  I hadn't tried that method before but it makes sense.   

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