hue2R(H, S, L) = case S == 0.0: L else: hue2RGB( temp1(L, S), temp2(L, S), H + truncTo1000( 1.0/3.0 ) ) hue2G(H, S, L) = case S == 0.0: L else: hue2RGB( temp1(L, S), temp2(L, S), H) hue2B(H, S, L) = case S == 0.0: L else: hue2RGB( temp1(L, S), temp2(L, S), H - truncTo1000( 1.0 / 3.0 ) ) hue2RGB(v1, v2, vH ) = //Function Hue_2_RGB case vH < 0.0: hue2RGB(v1, v2, truncTo1000(vH + 1.0)) case vH > 1.0: hue2RGB(v1, v2, truncTo1000(vH - 1.0)) else: case truncTo1000(6.0 * vH) < 1.0: ( truncTo1000(v1 + ( v2 - v1 )) * truncTo1000(6.0 * vH) ) case truncTo1000(2.0 * vH) < 1.0: v2 case truncTo1000(3.0 * vH) < 2.0: ( (v1 + ( v2 - v1 )) * truncTo1000( ( 2.0 / 3.0 ) - vH) * 6.0 ) else: 0 temp2(l, sat) = case l < 0.5: l * (1+sat) else: (l+sat) - (l*sat) temp1(l, sat) = (2.0 * l) - temp2(l, sat) truncTo1000(val) = truncTo(val, 1000) truncTo100(val) = truncTo(val, 100) truncTo(val, order) = ((rint(val * order)) / order)
def getAttrFilterFunction(ce_instance, attr, value): return lambda x: ce_instance.getAttribute(x, attr) == value def getAttrContainingFilter(ce_instance, attr, value): return lambda x: value in ce_instance.getAttribute(x, attr) def getAttrExistsFilter(ce_instance, attr): return lambda x: attr in ce_instance.getAttributeList(x) # determines if shape is sidewalk def getSidewalkFilter(ce_instance): return lambda x: ce_instance.getUUID(x).__str__().endswith(":1") or ce_instance.getUUID(x).__str__().endswith(":2") # determines if shape is street def getStreetFilter(ce_instance): return lambda x: ce_instance.getUUID(x).__str__().endswith(":0")
allShapes = ce.selection() myStreetsFilter = getStreetFilter(ce) onlyStreets = filter(myStreetsFilter, allShapes)
import misc: "misc.cga" Lot --> extrude(10) color(misc.RosyBrown1) Mass.
attr SCALE = 1000 attr R = 500 attr elevation = case sqrt( ( pow((u-0.5)*SCALE, 2) + pow((v-0.5)*SCALE, 2)) ) > R: 0.0 else: case sqrt(R*R - (pow((u-0.5)*SCALE, 2) + pow((v-0.5)*SCALE, 2))) < 0: 0 else: sqrt(R*R - (pow((u-0.5)*SCALE, 2) + pow((v-0.5)*SCALE, 2)))
The CE documentation talks about terrain layer attributes and functions... Here is an example of a spherical terrain:attr SCALE = 1000 attr R = 500 attr elevation = case sqrt( ( pow((u-0.5)*SCALE, 2) + pow((v-0.5)*SCALE, 2)) ) > R: 0.0 else: case sqrt(R*R - (pow((u-0.5)*SCALE, 2) + pow((v-0.5)*SCALE, 2))) < 0: 0 else: sqrt(R*R - (pow((u-0.5)*SCALE, 2) + pow((v-0.5)*SCALE, 2)))
attr SCALE = 1000 attr R = 500 attr elevation = case sqrt( ( pow((u-0.5)*SCALE, 2) + pow((v-0.5)*SCALE, 2)) ) > R: 0.0 else: sqrt(R*R - (pow((u-0.5)*SCALE, 2) + pow((v-0.5)*SCALE, 2)))
attr SCALE = 1000 attr R = 1500 attr elevation = case sqrt( ( pow((u-0.5)*SCALE, 2) + pow((v-0.5)*SCALE, 2)) ) > R: 0.0 else: case sqrt(R*R - (pow((u-0.5)*SCALE, 2) + pow((v-0.5)*SCALE, 2))) - 1430 < 0: 0 else: (sqrt(R*R - (pow((u-0.5)*SCALE, 2) + pow((v-0.5)*SCALE, 2))) - 1430) + elevationDelta
def getAttrFilterFunction(ce_instance, attr, value): return lambda x: ce_instance.getAttribute(x, attr) == value
>>> myFilter = getAttrFilterFunction(ce, "customAttr", "fantasticShape") >>> fantasticShapes = ce.getObjectsFrom(ce.scene, myFilter)
const stairStepUnitRise = 0.17 const stairStepUnitRun = 0.28 @Hidden attr currentScopeSx = 0 ## dummy, calling rule bellow with some defaults ## the level has, by default, 45% of the lenght of the shape in x StairwayWithLevel(topColor, frontColor, levelColor) --> StairwayWithLevel(topColor, frontColor, levelColor, 0, 0, 0) StairwayWithLevel(topColor, frontColor, levelColor, levelDim, centerDim, displacement) --> set(currentScopeSx, ## first, divide into level and two stair flight of stairs split(x){ (0.45 * + levelDim: StairwayLevel(levelColor, currentScopeSx*0.45+ levelDim, currentScopeSx) | ~1: split(z){ ~1 + displacement: t(0, ((rint((currentScopeSx-(currentScopeSx*0.45+ levelDim)) / stairStepUnitRun)) - 1)*stairStepUnitRise, 0) StairFlight(topColor, frontColor) | centerDim: NIL| ~1: rotateScope(0, 180, 0) StairFlight(topColor, frontColor) } } StairwayLevel(levelColor, length, total) --> t(0, ((rint((total-length) / stairStepUnitRun)) - 1)*stairStepUnitRise, 0) s('1, stairStepUnitRise, '1) i("builtin:cube") comp(f){ top: color(levelColor) set(material.specular.r, 0) set(material.specular.g, 0) set(material.specular.b, 0) set(material.shininess, 0) set(material.opacity, 1) SetMaterial("stairwaylevel")| all: SetMaterial("stairwaylevel") } StairFlight(topColor, frontColor) --> split(x){ ~stairStepUnitRun: t(0, (split.index)*stairStepUnitRise, 0) StairwayStep(topColor, frontColor) | { stairStepUnitRun: t(0, (split.index)*stairStepUnitRise, 0) StairwayStep(topColor, frontColor) }* } StairwayStep(topColor, frontColor) --> s('1, stairStepUnitRise, '1) i("builtin:cube") comp(f){ top: color(topColor) set(material.specular.r, 0) set(material.specular.g, 0) set(material.specular.b, 0) set(material.shininess, 0) set(material.opacity, 1) SetMaterial("stairwaystep")| all: color(frontColor) set(material.specular.r, 0) set(material.specular.g, 0) set(material.specular.b, 0) set(material.shininess, 0) set(material.opacity, 1) SetMaterial("stairwaystep") } SetMaterial(name) --> set(, name) TerminalMaterial.
'/ce/rule/wallC': { 0: 0, 1: ["#FFFFFF", "#000000", "#FFFFFF", "#000000", "#FFFFFF", "#000000", "#FFFFFF", "#000000", "#FFFFFF", "#000000", "#FFFFFF", "#000000", "#FFFFFF", "#000000", "#FFFFFF", "#000000", "#FFFFFF", "#000000", "#FFFFFF", "#000000", "#FFFFFF", "#000000", "#FFFFFF", "#000000", "#FFFFFF"] }
Hey Andre !
Cool work !
Why's the model changing to black each second step ?
Cheers !