I have just started a new project in CE. Prior to CE, I had made a shapefile of the river included in my terrain. I digitized it using an ortho of the area I'm trying to render in CE. I know for a fact the river shapefile, the DEM, and the orthos are all the same coordinate system and projections. However, after importing the terrain file into CE, when I tried to import the river shapefile, it appeared completely out of frame of the terrain. Anybody have any ideas as to what's going on?
You are saying that you checked in arccatalog or the projection itself?
When I made it in ArcCatalogue, I know I used the same projections (NAD 1983 HARN (US FEET) State Plane (Florida West)) for the shapefile as I did for the ortho and DEM. I also double checked. And they are the same. I can't even "zoom to extent" (obviously since that does not exist in CE) to see just how far off they are, but my guess is they are very far apart.
well, if you add the shapefile to a separate data frame in arcmap and the image/dem into another data frame you will be able to inspect the coordinates to see if they make sense....don't know about how you check coordinates in CE